Ford Truck Wheels: Auto Parts that Handle the Load  - AutoPartsWarehouse

Ford Truck Wheels

Auto Parts that Handle the Load

Ford Truck Tail Lights:Auto Parts Assuring Visibility and Safety  - AutoPartsWarehouse

Ford Truck Tail Lights:

Auto Parts Assuring Visibility and Safety

PUTCO- Tailgate Light Bar - AutoPartsWarehouse

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Jay Leno

The Tonight Show's $1 Billion Man

SACHS - Taken to the MAX!


Taken to the MAX!

Defender and More

Defenders are loved for many, many reasons. Although a large number of those affections are illogical and simply sugar-coating of ergonomic shortcomings rooted in their agricultural heritage.

Defender heavy-duty axles are a straight replacement for your existing axles and offer substantial protection.
  • CNC cut
  • Exact replacement
  • 6 - 10mm steel
  • Powder coated
  • Heavy-duty mounts

But one that doesn’t need to be forgiven or made allowances for is the steadfast fact that the Defender is a tough machine.

This is something that the spiritual Series IV will always be admired for – and rightly so. Nevertheless, what if I were to say to you that the Defender could be made tougher still and therefore enabling you to love it more?

Conveniently at this point, Britpart have recently added to their range with some heavy-duty Defender axles. These CNC-cut examples are direct replacements for the standard Defender axles that offer more protection as they’re made from 6mm steel – 10mm in places – and come ready powder-coated and fi tted with heavy-duty mounts. Front axles are available, as are both short and long rear nose variants. Oh. So. Dreamy.

Defender and More Defender and More Reviewed by Doctor Car on 1:36 AM Rating: 5

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